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Intra-basin Coordination

Consistent with § 357.2 of the Final GSP Emergency Regulations released by the California Department of Water Resources, the Mid-Kaweah GSA participates in multi-agency meetings focused on addressing key sustainable groundwater management planning activities for the subbasin.  This intra-basin coordination activity currently includes the Kaweah Subbasin Management Team, a nine-member panel established through execution of a memorandum of understanding between the three GSAs in the Kaweah Subbasin.


The Management Team's function is to coordinate subbasin-wide planning activities necessary to achieve compliance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. In accordance with the MOU, the culmination of these activities will be a SGMA-mandated Coordination Agreement among the three GSAs in the subbasin.  Management Team meetings are held month and open to the public. Convener responsibilities for meetings are rotated between the member agencies, with meeting minute and other custodian tasks assigned to Mid-Kaweah GSA.  


Download: Kaweah Subbasin Management Team Memorandum of Understanding


Kaweah Subbasin Management Team Members:


State of the Subbasin

June 19, 2024 & June 20, 2024


The Mid-Kaweah , East Kaweah and Greater Kaweah Groundwater Sustainability Agencies invited the public to learn about updates on the Kaweah Subbasin's SGMA process and efforts underway to prepare for the probationary hearing with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) on January 7, 2025.

For more information, fliers and much more, please visit the East Kaweah GSA website (

Recordings of the webinar event in English and Spanish can be found on Youtube:

Begining of the Event.jpg

Conjoined GSA Board of Directors Meeting

June 13, 2024

The Mid-Kaweah , East Kaweah and Greater Kaweah Groundwater Sustainability Agencies came together for a joint Board of Director's meeting. All three GSAs approved of their Draft Revised Groundwater Sustainability Plans and their Mitigation programs.

About 80 community members attended the event to listen to the meeting, voice their concerns and talk with their local GSA staff. 


© 2015 Mid-Kaweah GSA

Mid-Kaweah GSA

6826 Avenue 240

Tulare, CA 93274


Contact Us

Tel: 559-686-3425


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